Unit 1, Lessons 6-10
The Language Project Spanish Program Adventures Level Family Focus
Objective: Become increasingly familiar with different parts of the body.
Practice simple dialogues when talking about being hurt or in pain.
Focus Phrases: ¿Qué te pasa? (What's the matter? / What's wrong)
Me duele la cabeza. (My head hurts.) Me duelen los ojos. (My eyes hurt.)
Focus Words: ojo (eye), oreja (ear), boca (mouth) nariz (nose), cabeza (head), brazo (arm), pierna (leg), mano (hand), pie (foot)
Focus Activities:
- Doctor, Doctor
Materials: Toilet paper- Grab a roll of toilet paper. One person will be the doctor and the other the patient.
- The doctor asks "¿Qué te pasa?" (What's the matter?)
- Patient responds "Me duele la cabeza" (My head hurts.)
- Doctor wraps patients head with a "bandage"
- Repeat with other body parts.
- Don´t forget to take an after picture of our bandaged patient.
- Switch roles and repeat.
- Dice Game:
Materials: 1 piece of paper, crayons or pencil and 1 dice.- Round 1: Assign 1 body part per number on the dice: ex: 1: Cabeza 2: brazo 3: pie 4: piernas 5:oreja 6: barriga
- Youngest player goes first. Roll the dice. Name and draw the corresponding body part. Example: Child rolls a 4. They must name the body part and draw legs on their paper.
- Continue with the next player. If you roll a number that you have already drawn, you lose your turn. First one to complete the body wins.
- Round 2: Play again, this time add a bandage to the part and have your child state what hurts, "Me duelen las piernas."
Remember that children benefit from exposure to the language and must see, hear and interact with the language over 75 times in real and useful contexts for them to acquire the language. Keep up the great work at home folks, your kids are doing great!