Further your child’s foreign language success outside of the traditional classroom
We know childhood learning doesn’t stop when school’s out for summer, which is why we partner with schools and parks departments across the nation to offer spring and summer foreign language camps and enrichment programs for students! We offer a selection of camps with different themes so your child will continue to explore their new language in an immersive, fun environment.
The Language Project
TLP Camp Options
Ranch hands will ride the language learning trail to different Spanish speaking countries where they’ll learn & complete challenges only faced in the wild wild west!
Complete with hidden treasure, beaches, pirates and more; campers will focus on language learning through island adventures!
Join us as we explore the world’s countries through sports. This full immersion camp is a home run every time!
Campers “travel” by planes, trains and automobiles across the globe to visit Spanish speaking countries, learn the language & culture in this jam-packed camp!