Unit 3, Lessons 7-10
The Language Project Spanish Program Musketeers Level Family Focus
As your child becomes increasingly familiar with talking about different things you can do and places you can go in the summer, they will begin to practice talking about personal summer plans vs other's plans by talking in both 1st and 3rd person. This week´s audio is going to give them additional practice with that work.
Focus Phrases:
Yo quiero (I want)… Yo no quiero ( I don´t want)…
Él quiere (He wants)… Él no quiere (He doesn´t want)…
Ella quiere (She wants)… Ella no quiere (She doesn´t want)…
Places to go: ir al museo (go to the museum), ir a la biblioteca (go to the library), ir a la piscina (go to the swimming pool), ir al zoológico (go to the zoo) ir al parque (go to the park), ir a la playa (go to the beach), leer libros (read books), ver la tele (watch tv), escuchar música (listen to music), montar en bicicleta (ride a bike), pintar un dibujo (paint a picture), jugar a los video juegos (play video games).
Review: nadar (swim), jugar al fútbol (play soccer),
Focus Activities:
- Ask your child to tell you about their summer plans vs their friends summer