Unit 2, Lessons 8-10
The Language Project Spanish Program Explorers Level Family Focus
These last weeks, students have been working to put various topics together to talk about and form more complex ideas. Language learning is definitely slow and steady but students are truly progressing! Here are a few of the things we’ll look at during the last part of Unit 2.
Focus Objectives:Learn days of the week, respond to questions about activities, and combine vocabulary from past classes.
Focus Phrases: ¿Qué día es ____? (What day is ____?), Es ____. (It’s ____.), ¿Donde está ____? (Where is ____?), ¿Cuántos hay? (How many are there?), abre (open), Abre la puerta. (Open the door.), cierra (close), Cierra la puerta. (Close the door.)
Focus Vocabulary: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo (Monday - Sunday)
Focus Audio: Sing along and create a dance routine for the Días de la Semana (Days of the Week) song.
Family Focus Activities
Use this vocabulary or any you like to rock the car ride! Pick a question such as ¿Qué día es? and use it for all it’s worth!.
- ¿Qué día es tu clase de español? Es _(fill in the day)___.
- ¿Qué día es tu favorito? Es ____.
- ¿Qué día es Scouts? Es ____.
- ¿Qué día es basketbol? Es ____.
Note: If you don’t know the name of the activity in Spanish, combine ¿Qué día es + the name of the activity in English.
Word of the day- Encourage your child to choose a Spanish word to use eachday of the week. This can be a recent word from Spanish class, an older word or a word from outside of class.
- Create a simple chart with the days of the week in Spanish and let your child putin a new word each day (colors, numbers, school supplies, emotions, etc.)
- Let your child keep track of how many times the word was used each day.