Unit 2, Lessons 4-6
The Language Project Spanish Program Chimps Level Family Focus
Objective – Use greetings, respond to question about name, and become familiar with colors.
Opposites – over and under.
Focus words/phrases: Hola (Hi), ¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name?), amarillo (yellow), azul (blue),
rojo (red), verde (green), morado (purple), naranja (orange,) sobre (over), debajo de (under)
Focus Activities
Fly like a bird! – Use objects around your home to create an amazing interactive Spanish Over & Under
- Start simple. Get a piece of yarn or rope.
- Tell your child ¡Salta sobre! (Jump over!) Let her jump over the rope several times.
- See what other things in the house your child can jump over: stuffed animals, blocks etc.
- Have your child raise the objects over his head and ¡Salta debajo! Jump under!
- Now move up to ¡Vuela como un pájaro! (Fly like a bird!) debajo and sobre.
Let your child choose the form of movement & you choose sobre or debajo.
Point to an object & your child tells you if they are going sobre or debajo.
Patterns – Create patterns out of toys to practice colors.
Use small objects such as blocks, cars, dolls or other toys in the colors amarillo, azul, rojo, verde,
morado, naranja
- Start simple and create two color patterns.
- Identify the colors used in the patterns your child creates.
- Listen to colors audio flashcards here for Colors.
Animals - Play the audio for a refresher on Animals. Then play the Walk of the Animals/Camino de los
Animales Song and ask your child to act out the animal. This is a lot of fun to watch and participate in!