Unit 2, Lessons 7-10
The Language Project Spanish Program Chimps Level Family Focus
Objective – Use greetings, respond to question about state of being, and become familiar with colors.
Opposites – over and under.
Focus words/phrases: ¿Cómo estás? ( How are you?), Estoy bien/mal/ super bien. (I am good/bad/super good.), amarillo (yellow), azul (blue), rojo (red), verde (green), morado (purple), naranja (orange), sobre (over), debajo de (under)
Focus Activities
Colors Corral – Use circles and crayons to practice colors and motions.
- Draw six circles. Color a little bit of each circle with one of the colors we are practicing in Spanish: amarillo (yellow), azul (blue), rojo (red), verde (green), morado (purple), naranja (orange). Place them on the floor or around the edge of a table.
- Give your child a crayon in each color.
- Tell your child ¡Salta al azul! (Jump to the blue!) Let her jump to the blue circle and color until you give her the next color. Change colors often so your child gets to move and hear the colors lots. You can even use the audio link for the colors flash cards to send them to the next color.
- Listen to colors audio flashcards here: Colors in Spanish - Colores en Español
- Variations
- Play Spanish music while coloring and stop it when it is time to tell them where to go next. Here are some songs that will be familiar from Spanish club:
- Use different movement commands.
- Anda (Walk), Corre (Run), Gírate (Spin), Nada (Swim), Salta ( Jump), Galopa (Gallop)
Counting on Colors – Use household objects to play with colors and numbers.
- Use household objects such as plastic cups, cars, socks or other objects in the colors amarillo, azul, rojo, verde, morado, naranja
- Count how many there are of each color.
- Work this into your daily routine.
- Do it while setting the table, taking food out of the bag, getting dressed or reading a bedtime story.
Remember to keep in touch with your child by asking him ¿Cómo estás? often throughout your day!