Unit 3, Lessons 1-3

The Language Project Spanish Program Explorers Level Family Focus

Focus Objectives: Become familiar with basic food items. Express food likes and dislikes.

Focus Phrases: Me gusta ___. (I like ___.), No me gusta ____. (No me gusta ____.)

Focus Vocabulary: comida (food), galletas (cookies), tarta (cake), helado (ice cream), limón (lemon), pan (bread), huevos (eggs), pollo (chicken), carne (beef), pescado (fish), leche (milk), chocolate (chocolate), lechuga (lettuce), queso (cheese), tomate (tomato).

Focus Audio: As you watch and listen to the Food Items, track how many of these are in your kitchen or how many of these you ate this week.

Family Focus Activities:

  • Make some treats! This is a great time of year for baking and an even better time to practice some Spanish.
    • Grab your favorite cookie or cake recipe. Make a list of the familiar ingredients you ́ll need in Spanish.
    • Name the ingredients as you add, mix and taste your goodies. I give one "taste"; per ingredient they name correctly.
    • Have your child tell another family member about the treat they made and the ingredients it called for.
  • Exploration of the senses! (a great indoor activity on a cold day!)
    • Prepare 5-6 baggies or bowls with different food items from the list above.
    • Blindfold your child and have them smell, taste and touch the food items to guess what each one is-- in Spanish, of course!
  • Make a list with “me gusta” and “no me gusta”. Write the food from the focus vocabulary in Spanish and place it under the correct category.
Student Zone