Unit 1, Lessons 1-5
The Language Project Spanish Program Adventures Level Family Focus
Congratulations Parents!
Your child has completed Level 1 Spanish and is now beginning Level 2. (Adventurers)
We have started off the year by learning about the body and different activities one can or cannot do (abilities). Check out this week´s Family Focus for some ideas to help your child master and apply the new content.
Objectives: Become familiar with the basic parts of the body.
Focus Words: ojo (eye), oreja (ear), boca (mouth) nariz (nose), cabeza (head), brazo (arm), pierna (leg), mano (hand), pie (foot),
Focus Activities:
- Trace a body
- Take a large piece of butcher paper, or a cardboard box.
- Trace your child or allow them to trace you.
- Have the students label the different parts of the body.
- Back to Basics with Audio Links
- Look and listen to the audio link with your child.
- Try just listening the first time.
- After that, say the words along with the speaker.
- Next, try racing the speaker.
- End by trying to say the words with the volume down.
- Do each step in this process as many times as possible until it is comfortable and your child is successful.
- Snow angels
- Have your child make a snow angel.
- When they are done, call out different parts of the body and your child can jump on the part.
- Or practice your colors. Make colored water with food coloring, kool-aid or any colorant. When you call out a body part, they spray the colored water on the part you name. Ask about colors, body parts etc. Get them using the target language.