Unit 2, Lessons 1-5
The Language Project Spanish Program Musketeers Level Family Focus
Acquiring a new language requires time and practice just like learning to play the piano, a sport or any new hobby. Whether you have 5 minutes or 50, try sneaking in some additional practice for your language learner this week.
Objectives: matemáticas (math), inglés (English), arte (art), música (music), educación física (P.E.) ciencia naturales (science), ciencia sociales (history/social studies)
Focus Activities:
- School Day
- Try asking about your child's school day in Spanish. Can you do it? Can they answer?
What's your favorite subject? - ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?
Which do you like most? - ¿Cuàl te gusta màs?
Which do you like least? - ¿Cuál te gusta menos?
What did you do in X class today? - ¿Qué hicieron en la clase de arte hoy?
What games did you play in Spanish today?/ ¿Qué juegos jugaron hoy en español?
- Try asking about your child's school day in Spanish. Can you do it? Can they answer?
- On-line Games: http://www.spanish-games.net/
There are a variety of games and topics you can choose on this website. The site itself is a bit poorly designed but the games give the students some great practice in a fun way.- Click on the Beginner Topics
- School subjects
- Activity: (6 games to choose from)
- Let's Go Learn