Unit 2, Lessons 6-10
The Language Project Spanish Program Musketeers Level Family Focus
Now that the Level 3 students have learned how to talk about school subjects, they will move into learning about the different spaces around the school. Which will lead them in to forming more complex phrases about where they study or do different activities during the school day. Students are leaping forward in each class.
Focus Words:
Places around school: el patio (playground), la clase (classroom), el aula de computadoras (computer room), la biblioteca (library), el gimnasio (gym), la oficina (office), cafetería (lunch room), el pasillo (hallway), el baño (bathroom)
Action verbs in school: Estudiar (to study), cantar (to sing), tocar instrumentos (to play instrumentos), practicar deportes (to practice sports), comer (to eat), leer (to read)
Focus Activities:
- Conversations:
- Ask your students about what subjects they studied today.
- Ask them where they study music, P.E. Or art? Even if you do not speak
Spanish you can ask them in English and ask them to respond in Spanish. If you do speak some Spanish or want to give it a whirl, try asking them:
¿Dónde estudias _________________? (Where do you study____?)
¿Dónde comes? (Where do you eat?)
¿Dónde juegas con los amigos? (Where do you play with your friends? )
¿Dónde lees? (Where do you read?) - Your child may give you short answers: la clase, la cafetería, el patio etc
but encourage them to answer with full phrase answers. They can!
Estudio música en la clase de _______________.
Como en _________________.
Leo en ___________________.