Unit 3, Lessons 4-6
The Language Project Spanish Program Musketeers Level Family Focus
Objectives: Become familiar with different places you can go in the summer
Focus Words:
Places to go: ir al museo (go to the museum), ir a la biblioteca (go to the library), ir a la piscina (go to the swimming pool), ir al zoológico (go to the zoo) ir al parque (go to the park), ir a la playa (go to the beach)
Review: leer libros (read books), ver la tele (watch tv), escuchar música (listen to music), montar en bicicleta (ride a bike), pintar un dibujo (paint a picture), jugar a los video juegos (play video games), nadar (swim), jugar al fútbol (play soccer),
Focus Activities:
- Weekend Plans
- Ask your child what they want to do on the weekend.
¿Qué quieres hacer este fin de semana? OR "¿Qué quieres hacer el sábado? - Let them choose one activity to do this weekend IF they choose in Spanish.
- Notice all of these phrases start with "ir" so the child can respond with
Quiero ir… and apply it to any activity even if we aren´t learning about it in the session.
- Ask your child what they want to do on the weekend.
- Dinner Table Talk:
- Is getting your child to talk like pulling teeth? Ask them to tell you which of the places are their favorite to visit in the summer and why?
Which is the least favorite and why?
- Is getting your child to talk like pulling teeth? Ask them to tell you which of the places are their favorite to visit in the summer and why?