Unit 3, Lessons 4-5
The Language Project Spanish Program Explorers Level Family Focus
Acquiring a new language requires time and practice just like learning to play the piano, a sport or any new hobby. Whether you have 5 minutes or 50, try sneaking in some additional practice for your language learner this week.
Focus Objectives: Talk about likes and dislikes of food and being hungry or thirsty. Combine verbs and food into sentences.
Focus Phrases: Tengo hambre. (I´m hungry), ¿Te gusta ____? (Do you like ____?), Me gusta ____. (I like ____.), No me gusta ____. (I don´t like ____.), Mi comida favorita es ____. (My favorite food is ____.), ¿Quien quiere _____? (Who wants _____?), ¿Quieres ____? (Do you want ____?)
Focus Vocabulary: comida (food), galletas (cookies), tarta (cake), helado (ice cream), limón (lemon), pan (bread), huevos (eggs), pollo (chicken), carne (beef), pescado (fish), leche (milk), chocolate (chocolate), lechuga (lettuce), queso (cheese), tomate (tomato). Desayuno (breakfast), almuerzo (lunch),
cena (dinner)
Focus Audio: Incorporate these Food Phrases and Numbers into your daily meals. Play the video and audio and repeat the phrase. Then, replay and turn off the sound to see how many you can say?
Family Focus Activities:
- Listen to the Tengo Sed, Tengo Hambre song with your child. Ask them to show you the movements
for Tengo Sed and Tengo Hambre. - Allow your child to pick their favorite family meal if they name it in Spanish (or at least make an effort as they may not know how to say something specific).
- Have your child name the colors of the foods as you take them out to prepare your meals. Try motivating them to start using full sentences. "Es rojo." Or, "La patata es roja."
- At mealtime, have your child form phrases about their favorite meals using "Me gusta ____.; Or, No me gusta ____;
- Does your child try to get out of eating certain foods? Sweet potatoes? Broccoli? Great time to
practice talking about dislikes. “No me gusta ____.” - Count the number of food items in your refrigerator using Spanish.