Unit 2, Lessons 1-3

The Language Project Spanish Program Chimps Level Family Focus

Objective – Use greetings, respond to question about name, and become familiar with colors.

Focus words/phrases: Hola (Hi), ¿Cómo te llamas? (What do you call yourself?/What’s your name?), amarillo
(yellow), azul (blue), rojo (red), verde (green)

Focus Activities

Color me Spanish! – Use pictures to create color posters.

  • Divide a sheet of paper into four parts. Label each part with a color are amarillo, azul, rojo and verde.
  • Let your child cut out items from the newspaper or magazines that are amarillo, azul, rojo and verde.
  • Let you child paste each item into the appropriate section.
  • Ask your child “¿Qué color es?” (What color is it?)
  • Let her identify what color each item is. If she gets stuck give her two options to choose from.
  • Listen to “¿Qué color es?” here.

Color Toss – Toss colored objects into the correct box.

  • Label four boxes with the colors are amarillo, azul, rojo and verde.
  • Use small objects such as blocks in the colors amarillo, azul, rojo and verde. Legos work great for this.
  • Line the four boxes up or group together.
  • Try to toss each object into the same color box and shout the color each time it goes in the right box. Earn a point for each object in the same color box and another point each time the correct color word is used.
  • Play the game over and over charting the number of correct tosses and identifications to show progress.
Student Zone