Unit 3, Lessons 1-2
The Language Project Spanish Program Chimps Level Family Focus
Objective: Learn the difference between Buenos Días and Buenas Noches. Become familiar with more verbs of action. Practice phrases for going to bed and waking up.
Focus words/phrases: hacer cosquillas (to tickle), abrazar (to hug), besar (to kiss), cantar (to sing), beber (to drink), tocar el violin (to play the violin), leer un cuento (to read a story), dormirse (to go to sleep), despertarse (to wake up), peluche (stuffed animal)
Focus Activities:
- New audio cards! – Verbos (verbs)
- Look and listen to the audio link for bedtime verbs with your child.
- Try just listening the first time.
- Then repeat after the speaker.
- After that say the words along with the speaker.
- Then try racing the speaker.
- Lastly try to say the words with the volume down.
- Do each step in the process as many times as possible until it is very comfortable and your child is very successful! Try doing this on multiple days. As long as it remains fun!
- Listen to bedtime vocab here.
- Listen Up Matching! - Match flashcards to the voice on the audio cards.
- Cut out the flashcards below. (See cards below.)
- Place them in front of your child face up.
- Play the first audio flashcard from above so your child cannot see it, just hear it.
- When your child hears the audio flashcard have him point to or lift up the matching flashcard in front of him.
- Repeat for each card.
- Variation – Play audio cards straight through and lift up cards without pausing playback.
- Variation – When your child gets really good at this add in an action such as gírate (turn around) or salta (jump) when he holds up the correct card.